/19284Gospatric of Dunbar
/21126Uchtred FitzMALDRED 19284 19283
|\19283Aethelreda of England 19285 more >
/21127Dolphin FitzUCHTRED 21126
/21129Maldred FitzDOLPHIN 21127 21128
|\21128Alice De DURHAM
/21131Robert FitzMALDRED 21129 21130
|\21130Miss De STUTEVILLE
/8963Geoffrey de NEVILL of.Raby. 21131 21132
||/21596Gilbert De NEVILLE
||/21595Geoffrey de NEVILLE 21596
||/21594Gilbert De NEVILLE 21595
||/21592Geoffrey de NEVILLE 21594
|\21132Isabelle De NEVILLE 21592 21593
|\21593Emma de BULMER
8924Robert De NEVILLE @13. 8963 8964
\8964Margaret or Joan