/11857Theobald, 2nd de BOTILLER
/10591John de VERDON @15. 11857 11858
||/11861Bertram de VERDON 11863 11864 more >
||/11859Nicholas de VERDON 11861 11862
|\11858Roesia de VERDON 11859 11860
/10589Theobald De VERDON 10591 10592
||/10580Gilbert DE LACY @11.
|\10592Margery De LACY @11. 10580 9377
||/16835Roger BIGOD 26608 26609 more >
||/9376Hugh BIGOD 16835 5557
|||\5557Ida @93.
|\9377Isabel BIGOD @46. 9376 7801
||/7728William MARSHAL Earl.of.Pembroke.@443. 7731 7732 more >
|\7801Maud MARSHAL @152. 7728 7729
|\7729Isabel de CLARE 7736 7737 more >
/7902Theobald de VERDUN Baron.Verdun.@23. 10589 10590
|\10590Margery / Eleanor @11.
5218Sir Theobald de VERDON @23. 7902 7903
|/7908Humphrey de Bohun
|/7906Humphrey de BOHUN @49. 7908 7909
|||/7910Raoul de LUSIGNAN
|||/16778Raoul IIDe LUSIGNAN Count.d'Eu. 7910 7911
|||||/7913Henri II of EU 7914 7915 more >
||||\7911Alice (Aaliz) 7913 7912
||||\7912Maud (Mahaut) de WARENNE @45. 7806 7805 more >
||\7909Maud de LUSIGNAN of.Eu.@79. 16778 16779
||\16779Yolande de DREUX
\7903Margery de Bohun @23. 7906 7907
|/8814William II de BRAOSE
|/8812William de BRAOSE 8814 8815
||\8815Bertha of Gloucester >>.
|/8810Reginald de BRAOSE 8812 8813
||\8813Maud de WALERAN
|/8805William de BRAOSE 8810 8811
||\8811Groecia de BRUERE
\7907Eleanor de BRAOSE @49. 8805 8806
|/7733Gilbert MARSHAL 8807 more >
|/7731John Fitzgilbert MARSHAL @420. 7733 7734
||\7734NN de VENUZ 7735 more >
|/7728William MARSHAL Earl.of.Pembroke.@443. 7731 7732
||\7732Sibilla (Sibyl) De SALISBURY >>.@420.
\8806Eve MARSHAL @137. 7728 7729
|/7738Gilbert de CLARE Earl.of.Pembroke.@427. 8687 8688 more >
|/7736Richard FitzGilbert de Clare 7738 7739
||\7739Elizabeth (Isabel) de BEAUMONT @402. 7727 7708 more >
\7729Isabel de CLARE 7736 7737
\7737Eva (Aoife) MacMURROUGH of.Leinster.>>.