/7921Stephen Comte.de.Blois.et.Chartres.@149.
/22495Stephen King of England @78. 7921 7920
||/19151Richard I "the Fearless" (3¦ D. Normandy 19153 19154 more >
||/19149Richard II "the Good" (4¦ D. Normandy 19151 19152
|||\19152Gunnora De CREPON
||/11923Robert 'the.Devil'.Duke.of.Normandy.@953 19149 19150
||||/22540Conan I of BRITTANY
|||\19150Judith of Brittany 22540 22541
|||\22541Ermengarde of ANJOU
||/6247William I "Le Conquberant" De NORMANDY 11923 11924
|||\11924Herlette/Herleva/Arlette de FALAISE
|\7920Adela of NORMANDY @149. 6247 6248
|\6248Matilda Countess Of Flanders Q. ENGLAND
22494Marie I, Countess of Boulogne @78. 22495 22496
\22496Matilda of Boulogne